Week 4 - Colours


This week I created a design that could theoretically be painted on a public piano. For each day, I rendered a different angle of the piano.

When I was ideating for this I tried to picture what my dream piano would like, and what kind of colours it would be. To start, I went for analogous, pastel pinks, blues and purples, with them I drew some pastel looking clouds using the watercolour brush in Clip Studio Paint. It took me a little while to come up with the design, but since I'd gone with a sky setting, I went with a 'Moon Bunny' theme, which references old legend about the shape of a rabbit visible in the moon's craters and dark spots. Stories about the rabbit are present through a variety of cultures across the globe, it's even referenced in pop culture. Pointedly, in Japanese anime series Sailor Moon, the Moon Princess herself is named Tsukino Usagi, which literally means 'moon bunny'. I grew up reading stories that referenced this legend and had fun creating a design around it. The artwork was created in Clip Studio Paint and rendered to the piano template in Adobe Illustrator.

Week 4 - Colour

Week 4 - Colour


Creative Fields